Summer RYPEN 2025

Fri, 21st Mar 2025 - Sun, 23rd Mar 2025 - Kokako Lodge, Hunua Road, Hunua
Entries Close: Wed, 5th Mar 2025 at 11:59pm

Terms & Conditions


1. I understand that if selected by the Rotary District Committee, but unable to attend, as soon as possible prior to the commencement date I will contact the RYPEN District Organising committee via email at
2. I understand that I will be required to adhere to all instructions of the Directing Staff of RYPEN and Kokako Lodge at all times during my attendance at the Camp and that in the event of my failing to do so, I may be removed from the Camp by the first available transport at my parent's or guardian's expense.
3. I agree to the publication of my name, age and school in any material in newspapers or other publications or media in connection with publicity of RYPEN or its sponsors.
4. Sometimes RYPEN is approached for names and contact details of students for statistical study or so that they may be advised of any competition, other Rotary opportunities or even scholarship schemes.

Being the parent/guardian of the above-named Applicant, I approve of the Applicant's participation in RYPEN 2025. I understand that he / she will be required to adhere to the instructions of the Directing Staff and that failure to do so may result in his/her removal from the Camp and being returned home at my expense. I agree that he / she will only be permitted to leave the Camp in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the Director or their Deputy. I authorize the Director or their Deputy (when it is impracticable to communicate with me to secure my consent) to consent on my behalf to any medical or surgical treatment as may be necessary for the Applicant's well-being and I undertake to reimburse any costs thereby incurred. I hereby exempt the Camp, its Director and staff from liability in respect of accidental injury, sickness or death, howsoever it may be caused, while the Applicant is attending the Camp or arising during travel, by any means, to or from the Camp.